• a system-friendly, human-friendly colloquial clock •
What is Does:
Displays the time in a human-friendly format in a tiny, unobtrusive window which can be positioned anywhere on the screen.
How you say Colloque:
'Coll - lok' or 'c'llock'
What you do:
• Copy the application to your hard drive (perhaps stick an alias in your 'Startup Items' folder in your System folder) and double-click to run.
• Drag the window whereever you want it and leave it there.
• Unfortunately no preferences are remembered (the price you pay for such a tiny app) but if you want you can hack it directly with ResEdit to change the position forever.
What it needs:
• Mac System 7 or later on a 68020 processor or better.
• Probably a 14" screen or bigger unless you hack the WIND resource to change the position of the window.
Hacker's Guide:
I store all of the text in resources so Colloque can be easily modified/internationalised. Just look in the Str# resources with ResEdit and hack around. Please leave everything else alone and don't distribute you modified versions.
-- Email me if you want to know more.
What's so good about it:
Disk space: < 10K
Working RAM: < 30K
It doesn't hog system resources (disk space, memory, screen space and processor time) and best of all: IT'S FREE!
Version History:
• 1 April 00:23 original release
• 1 April 15:00 alternative version including minutes TO the hour and quarters. File size up 22 bytes!
Future Development:
Colloque has a long way to go. This is really just a trial version - better ones wll be out, probbaly by the time you read this, so contact me at the addresses below.
Things that will be included are:
• other rounding options
• speak time (using PlainTalk TTS)
• more interesting approximation text
• shrinking/expanding window size
• snap to side of screen
• update the window properly when partially obscured - it behaves wierd just now.
Please write and tell me what you want to see in the next version!
I do not guarantee that Colloque is free of faults and cannot be held responsible for any loss of data or problems incurred due to the use or inability to use Colloque. Please report any bugs to me.
Author Info:
I'm just beginning to get into proper Macintosh programming having spent years writing educational software in HyperCard and SuperCard. Look out for my big educational projects as they are still developing -
Journeys, -- create your own educational role-play games
The Hajj, -- a movement simulator for Religious Education
Book, Chapter & Verse -- teaching people to use the Bible
World Religions QuizBase
and some of the other utility software I've produced:
FontGuide (1500 downloads in it's first 2 months)
and there's lots more exciting shareware and freeware available where this came from.
In real life I'm an 18 year old Scottish High School student, in my last year before I start a Computer Science course at Uni - possibly Cambridge. Sometimes I have a web site address - when free trials on ISPs permit, but you should be able to contact me at my email address below most of the time. If you like Colloque and want to contribute to the starving students' fund, feel free to send even 1 or 2 pounds, dollars or equivalent to the snailmail address below. Postcards are most gratefully received and I may manage to send one back if you give me your address!